After more than three years of litigation, which culminated in a three-week jury trial and a verdict in their client’s favor, Asheville Legal successfully secured victory on a series of breach of contract claims, that has resulted in a judgment against the primary defendant of over $590,000. When 8% interest is added over the life of the case, the value of the judgment is in excess of $740,000. The verdict was secured at the conclusion of a lengthy civil trial in Haywood County that included a parade of witnesses, many documents, and a second mini-trial on punitive damages. Mike Wimer and Jake Snider lead the charge in selecting the jury, pressing the arguments, examining the witnesses, and marshaling the massive document production that was necessitated by the complex case. The trial ended on March 12, 2020, just a day before the North Carolina Court System shut down for Covid-19, and thus the trial may very well have been the last North Carolina civil jury trial to take place in the pre-Covid era. Jake and Mike secured this victory against one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in the Asheville area. Jake and Mike pride themselves, above all, on their ability to handle complex and multifarious cases while going toe-to-toe with and outmaneuver the top lawyers in the civil litigation arena and around Western North Carolina. Said Jake, “The proof is in the pudding. We have the chops, the expertise, and the determination to acquire great results for our clientele in extremely complex cases and going against the toughest opponents out there.” Asheville Legal continues to expand, as on September 1, 2020 they hired new associate Annabelle Chambers–formerly a Florida prosecutor with a wealth of trial experience–to share the case load. If you need help with a complex civil litigation matter, but don’t know where to start, call Asheville Legal today.